Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 5/12/2022 - 6:00 PM
Category: Future Action Item(s)
Type: Info
Subject: Child Nutrition Renovations and Improvements
District Goals:
Goal 1
Thriving Students
File Attachment:
CISD CMAR RFP Deer Creek.pdf
CISD CMAR RFQ Deer Creek (002).pdf
FoodService Sustainability Solutions-StyroGenie-Spec-sheet.pdf
Summary: Deer Creek Elementary School is in need of a kitchen addition and renovation project to increase both food storage capacity and student serving capacity. This project will focus on adding additional square footage for a larger cooler freezer. The larger cooler freezer will add food storage capacity for this campus. This project will also add an additional serving line for this campus. The additional serving line will expand student service capacity in an effort to reduce the number of required lunch periods from seven (7) to four (4). Administration will be bringing forward a recommendation for the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) for this project.

Also, in an effort to reduce costs and and to dispose of food service waste in a more environmentally responsible manner, administration is proposing the purchase of five (5) StyroGenies. These StyroGenies will be placed at both high schools, both ninth grade campuses and the BRJ CTE Center.
Budgetary Impact: TBD
Recommendation: None at this time. These are future action items.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Leon Fisher - Executive Director
Signed By:
Michael McFarland - Superintendent